Yesterday we had Buck Gardner visit us.
Buck is a professional Duck Caller, some of you may have seen him on TV a week ago. He is a very nice man and the boys absolutely loved his talk. Many Thanks to Giles Standford for organising this.
Left to right Bradley Gardner, Brad Gay, Buck Gardner, Tracey (Mooses Sports)
Check out his website
(This was done outside class time)
Assessment Parents and learners have a right to quality assessment feedback that gives indication as to progress made, learning strengths and weaknesses, what the learner needs to do to build on strengths and address weaknesses and what we all need to do to help the learner get there. It is also not unreasonable for a learner to know where their strengths and weaknesses are comparative to their peers. The image of the learning triangle with the child supported by the teacher and the home is a powerful one. We need to engage our school community in the assessment discussion. If we are to truly personalise learning we must ensure that the contexts for learning are truly authentic, that the child’s voice is heard, that our Learning Communities are informed and supported, that our schools are appropriately resourced and that teachers and school principals are nurtured, challenged, informed and most importantly affirmed.
Today we had our first re-vamped Quality Learning Circle QLC as a staff. It was wonderful hearing the staff talking about best practice and new innovations they are trying in their classrooms. The short two week goals they had set for their classes had very positive results and many staff feel the boys are starting to identify vocabulary outside of their lessons. This increased awareness in vocabulary is a positive spin off for all concerned.
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