Friday, March 26, 2010

It's just not cricket

Charlie Boon Certainly new what it was all about!

It is interesting to note that in todays modern world how many boys are not prepared to do the hard yards. Unfortunately parents on a numer of occassions support this attitude. Cricket in many ways is a cruel game you may only have one chance and then if your bowled that's it. Recently I have had two occassions where we have needed a 12th man for our prep matches. One boy asked that he play for the 3rds rather than be 12th man for the 2nds. My problem with this attitude is why hasn't he seen the bigger picture? It is a privilage to play for your school in a prep fixture. It signifies that the coach is looking at you for the future. What happens to that boy next year? I'm sorry but you weren't prepared to show service to your school and this team last year so what makes you think we are desperate to have you this year? How do we stop this "the world has stopped revolving around me so I'm going to opt out attitude" creeping in? It's simple really, parents need to educate their sons that life does indeed at times fling forward the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, but sorry build a bridge and get over it. As educators it's our job to help prepare boys for the adventure of life, not set them up for future disappointment.

1 comment:

  1. Good points, Brad.
    Those boys who are already successful have this attitude well established.
    It reflects back to almost old fashioned values of service before self, what can I do for others- not what they can do for me.
    Keep singing the song. Others may yet pick up the tune.
    Barry Williams
