A number of very excited boys are looking forward to duck shooting this weekend. I am looking forward to taking my own two sons over to Hawke's Bay for a shoot. I remember well the excitement when I was a boy. There was the ritual of going and getting our licences, decoys and ammo. Dad would bring the gun out for cleaning and start practising the duck caller around the house, much to mum's disgust. The morning of duck shooting was another ritual of waking up early getting the lunch mum had made and heading to my uncle's house for an early morning breakfast. I remember well the earnest looks to see if it was light enough to go to the dam. The first flutter of wings, the boom of the first shot.
These are all special memories of my time with my father and I am pleased I can offer my own sons these same memories. It is important for boys to have these special times with their fathers or some other significant male role model. These special rites are important for boys to bond with their dads and that is why we try and let as many boys as possible attend opening morning.